Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology
2075(New Course)
Bachelor Level / Third-semester / Science Full marks: 60
Computer Science and Information Technology(CSC208) Pass marks: 24
(Computer Architecture) Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Long Questions:
Attempt any Two questions:(2 x 10=20)
- In the RISC architecture, what is meant by overlapping register window? Explain the relationship among register windows with overlapping register windows.
- Explain Flynn’s classification of computer architectures with diagrams.
- What are the different types of pipeline hazards? Explain each pipeline hazard with an example.
Short Questions:
Attempt any Eight questions:(8 x 5 = 40)
- Explain the computer components.
- Explain the stored-program concept with an example.
- Differentiate between CISC and RISC architectures.
- Differentiate between an instruction pipeline and an arithmetic pipeline.
- Divide 10/4 using non-restoring division.
- Define associative memory. Explain with a block diagram how it can be implemented.
- Differentiate between the hardwired control unit and a micro-programmed control unit.
- How does DMA controller work? Give an example of DMA data transfer.
- Explain an interconnection network and its use.