“What is your perception of education? How you perceive the learning and testing of your children.”
One of the big questions most homeschoolers ask is, “How will I know if my child is learning?” How could I know my children are reading books? Constant testing of child is there when child is in public school. Each week there are spelling tests and, there are chapter tests on a regular basis, and in many schools, there is standardized testing.
A lot of parents of public school students decide that if the grades coming home on test papers and report cards are good, then their child must be learning.
When some students or learners are pulled from a traditional school setting and placed in homeschooling it is sometimes difficult for the parent to know if the student is actually learning enough to keep up with their grade peers. The main problem is that homeschool students tend to not be tested as often as public school students. But is it really a big problem and is testing the only way to know if a student is learning enough?
Learning nature of homeschool child
Many times it is very difficult to tell you to that if your child is learning enough in homeschool because homeschooling generally takes much less time than traditional education. However, homeschooled students or children don’t spend as much time on a particular topic as educated students because they are neither ahead nor behind their classmates. A part of the reason for this is that your homeschooled child is receiving one-on-one attention.The main focus area to be considered is whether student is happy or not rather then how much they learned. Every child has unique nature of learning capability. They don’t have to wait for others to catch up, nor are they holding up other students back if they need to spend more time on a topic. If the student understands the topic then he or she can move on right away.
Test of students
Somehow homeschooled students generally don’t take as many tests as public school students do. Literally Less time is spent teaching “to the test”. Teaching should be more than just limiting to the test which limits a student’s exploration of learning. Testing is not a primarily true measure of understanding of a topic.